Violin Exam Pieces ABRSM Grade 6
Selected from the 2016-2019 & syllabus
1 Corelli Preludio: 1st movt from Sonata in A, Op. 5 No. 9 (observing repeats and with Geminiani’s embellishments on the repeats)
2 Beethoven Scherzo and Trio: 3rd movt from Sonata in C minor, Op. 30 No. 2
3 Locatelli Allegro: 2nd movt from Sonata in D minor, Op. 6 No. 12
1 Mascagni Intermezzo: from Cavalleria rusticana
2 Paganini Rondeau: 3rd movt from Sonata Concertata, arr. Huws Jones
3 Elgar Idylle, Op. 4 No. 1
1 Bartók Este a székelyeknél (An Evening in the Village), arr. Fülep
2 Nigel Hess Theme from Ladies in Lavender
3 Trad. Russian Black Eyes, arr. Waterfield
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