2012-2015 小提琴考曲 第4級 (Score, Part & CD)
此書含有小提琴譜, 鋼琴伴奏譜與1片CD
1. Anon. 13th-century French Estampie royal, arr. Edward Huws Jones
2. Jean-Marie Leclair Musette: third movement from Sonata in G, Op. 1 No. 8, arr. Ferdinand David
3. William McGibbon Adagio: first movement from Sonata No. 5 in C minor
1. Charles-Auguste do Beriot Melodie: from Methode do violon, Op. 102, arr. Nico Dezaire and Gunter van Rompaey
2. Antonin Dvorak Scherzo: third movement from Sonatina in G, Op. 100
3. Neil Mackay Ambleside: from A Tuneful Introduction to the Third Position, piano acc. Richard Allain
1. David Matthews An Alpine Tune
2. Christopher Norton King Boogie: No. 6 from The ChristopherNorton Concert Collection for Violin
3. Trad. klezmer Congratulations to the Bridegroom and Bride, arr. Ilana Cravitz
1. Anon. 13th-century French Estampie royal, arr. Edward Huws Jones
2. Jean-Marie Leclair Musette: third movement from Sonata in G, Op. 1 No. 8, arr. Ferdinand David
3. William McGibbon Adagio: first movement from Sonata No. 5 in C minor
4. Corelli Allemanda: 2nd movt from Sonata in F, Op. 5 No.10. Corelli, 12 Sonatas, Op. 5, Vol. 2 (Schott)
5. J. Gibbs Aria and Variation 3: from Sonata in D minor, Op. 1 No. 1. Sheila M. Nelson's Baroque Violinist (Boosey & Hawkes)
6. F. M. Veracini Largo e nobile: 1st movt from Sonata No. 1 in F (1716). Veracini, 12 Sonatas for Recorder/Flute/Violin, Vol.1 (Peters)
1. Charles-Auguste do Beriot Melodie: from Methode do violon, Op. 102, arr. Nico Dezaire and Gunter van Rompaey
2. Antonin Dvorak Scherzo: third movement from Sonatina in G, Op. 100
3. Neil Mackay Ambleside: from A Tuneful Introduction to the Third Position, piano acc. Richard Allain
4. C. Dancla Rondo (from Introduction and Rondo): No. 12 from Petite ecole de la melodie, Op. 123, Vol.2 (Schott) or First Repertoire for Violin, arr. Cohen (Faber)
5. Kreisler Sicilienne: from Sicilienne and Rigaudon (in the styleof Francoeur). Published seperately or Fritz Kreisler Repertoire, Vol. 1 (Schott)
6.A. Thomas Gavotte (from Mignon). No. 9 from Suzuki Violin School, Vol.2 (Alfred - Summy-Birchard)
1. David Matthews An Alpine Tune
2. Christopher Norton King Boogie: No. 6 from The ChristopherNorton Concert Collection for Violin
3. Trad. klezmer Congratulations to the Bridegroom and Bride, arr. Ilana Cravitz
4. Kabalevsky Scherzo, arr. Sorokin. No. 18 from Kabalevsky Album Pieces (Peters)
5. Trad. Bosnian The Sultan's Throne (violin melody). Sevdah, arr. Huws Jones and Velagic (boosey & Hawkes)
6. Pam Wedgwood Falling: from After Hours - Violin (faber)
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