A3 A4 A5 A10 A13 A15
B3 B6 B8 B16 B21 B23
C2 C3 C18 C31 C32
Art Songs
I will walk with my love Irish trad., arr. Herbert Hughes
Leanabh an aigh Scottish trad., arr. Carol Barratt
Little Boats Irish trad., arr. Herbert Hughes
London Birds Geoffrey Shaw
Morning has broken Scottish trad., arr. Carol Barratt
Poco Poppa Pizza and Mama Piccolo Betty Roe
The Coventry Carol Anon. 16th century
The Dark Island Iain MacLachlan, arr. Carol Barratt
The Frog Nina Perry
The Little Spanish Town Peter Jenkyns
The Mallow Fling Irish trad., arr. Carol Barratt
The Mallow Fling Irish trad., arr. Alan Bullard
The Oak and the Ash English trad., arr. Carol Barratt
The Oas and the Ash English trad., arr. Alan Bullard
The Sweet Nightingale W. H. Anderson
Twilight Aubrey Beswick
Westering home Old dance tune, arr. Hugh S. Roberton
Wiegenlied Bernhard Flies
Wiegenlied Franz Schubert
Traditional Songs
Across the Line New Zealand
All Jolly Fellows Sussex, England
Blomman bland blommorna Sweden
Chili lo Portuguese East Africa
Come, my lads Cornwall, England
Drozyna Poland
En roulant ma boule Canada
Kangding qingge Kangding, China
Pentozalis Crete, Greece
Perica Chile
The Forsaken Maiden Devon, England
Vse ticice lepo pojo Slovenia
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