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c.1250 Anon. Sumer is icumen in
1415 Anon. Agincourt Song
1595 Morley Now is the month of maying
1691 Purcell Fairest Isle from King Arthur
1710 J.S. Bach Wer hat dich so geschlagen from St Matthew Passion
1726 Humphries Sarabande from Six solos for a Violin and Base with a Through Base for the Harpsichord
1760 Boyce Largo andante from No.8 of Eight Symphonys, Op.2
c.1800 Trad. The Blue Bells of Scotland
1812 Beethoven Equale No.1
1848 Concone Andante con moto from 50 lecons, Op.9
c.1860 Anon. Go Down Moses (Spiritual)
1868 Brahms Lullyby, Op.49 No.4
1878 Sullivan Captain Corcoran's Song from HMS Pinafore
1894 Dolmetsch Romance from Pieces for Cello
1896 MacDowell To a Wild Rose from Woodland Sketches
1900 Falla Cancion
1934 Koechlin Le ceinture de noces from Vingt chansons bretonnes
1945 Kosma Autumn Leaves
1946 Bartok Play from For Children, Vol. 1
2001 Harris Funny Bone
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