Johann Sebastian Bach the Solo Lute Works
Preface to the Second Edition
Editorial Criteria
Reference Information
Sources and Historical Data
The Lute-Harpsichord
Aspects of Baroque Performance
Stylized Dance Movements
Rhythmic Flexibility
Attemps to Regulate the Dot
Rhetoric and Affect
Articulation, Texture, and Voicing
Original Notation Symbols
Editorial Notation Symbols
Suite, BWV 995
Fourteen-course Lute (Theorbo)
Suite BWV 996
The Face of Bach
Suite, BWV 997
Prelude, Fugue and Allegro, BWV 998
Eleven-course Lute
Prelude, BWV 999
Fugue, BWV 1000
Suite BWV 1006a
Reading the Manuscript Sources
Facsimile Reproductions
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