2008-2011 小提琴考曲 第1級 (SCORE & PART)
List A
1. Anon. King George I's March
2. Michel Corrette Fanfare, arr. Paul de Keyser and Fanny Waterman
3. Trad. English The Vicar of Bary, arr. Paul de Keyser
List B
1. Anon. Wondrous Love, arr. Polly Waterfield and Louise Beach
2. Franz Lehar Waltz: from Gold und Silber, arr. Edward Huws Jones
3. David Stone Country Chimes: No.17 from Let's Play the Violin
List C
1. Hilary Burgoyne Tango: No.12 from Take the Stage
2. Edward Huws Jones Toodle-Pip: No.18 from Ten O'Clock Rock
3. Trad. Northumbrian Dance to your daddy, arr. Sheila Nelson
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