c. 1565 attrib. Edwards When May is in his prime
c. 1600 Byrd Wolsey's Wilde
1663 Anon. Duke of York's March
c. 1690 Lebegue Menuet
c. 1700 O'Carolan Abigail Judge
c. 1740 J. S. Bach Sarabande, BWV 833/4
c. 1776 Anon. collected and Sweet Kitty
arranged by Sharp
1785 Haydn Minuet, Hob. IX/8 No.12
1787 Mozart Die kleine Spinnerin (The little spinner), K.531
c. 1810 Diabelli Rondo
1820 Schubert Landler, D.366 No.6
1840 Czerny Air Francais
1850 Trad. Russian Heaving the Anchor
1862 Wohlfahrt Allegro
1865 Brahms Waltz, Op. 39 No.5
c. 1866 Faure Dans les Ruines d'une Abbaye (In the Ruins of an Abbey), Op.2 No.1
1878 Tchaikovsky March of the Wooden Soldiers, from Album for the Young, Op.39 No.5
1890 Franck Old Christmas Carol, from L'Organiste
1902 Granados Dedication, from Stories of the Young, Op.1
1907 Elgar Song of Liberty, from Pomp and Circumstance March No.4
1926 Grechaninov A Spring Morning, from In the Country, Op.99
1946 Kabalevsky An Old Dance, from 30 Pieces for Children, Op.27 No.7
1947 Kodaly Children's Dance No.1
1952 Dyson Waltz
1952 Weiner A-B-C, from Reschofsky: 44 Kleine Klavierstuecke von 9 Komponisten
1992 Baubet-Gony Ronde, from Images Enfantines
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