2008-2013長笛考曲 第一級 (Score, Part & CD)
此書含有長笛譜, 鋼琴伴奏譜與1片CD
List A
1. Trad. English Greensleeves, arr. Ian Denley
2. Henry Purcell Shepherd, Shepherd: from King Arthur, arr. Robin De Smet
3. George Frideric Handel March
List B
1. Charles Koechlin Vieille chanson: No.1 from 14 pieces pour flute et piano
2. Pam Wedgwood Hot Chilli: from Really Easy Jazzin' About for Flute
3. John Widger Fun Run: from Easy Flute Gig
List C
1. Charles Nicholson Duetto No.6: from Complete Preceptor for the German Flute
2. Wilhelm Popp Study in F: from Erster Floeten-Unterricht, Op.387
3. James Rae Short Waltz: No.10 from 40 Modern Studies for Solo Flute
List A
1. Trad. English Greensleeves, arr. Ian Denley
2. Henry Purcell Shepherd, Shepherd: from King Arthur, arr. Robin De Smet
3. George Frideric Handel March
4. Anon. The Rakes o' Mallow
5. Brahms Cradle Song
6. Foster Old Dog Tray
7. Haydn Minuet
8. F. Philidor Menuet: Rondeau: from Suite No.1 in G
9. Roman Grave: from Sonata No.6 in B minor
List B
1. Charles Koechlin Vieille chanson: No.1 from 14 pieces pour flute et piano
2. Pam Wedgwood Hot Chilli: from Really Easy Jazzin' About for Flute
3. John Widger Fun Run: from Easy Flute Gig
4. Carol Barratt Out-of-step March
5. David Gordon Summer Days
6. Paul Harris Scapino: No.1 from Clowns
7. Kabalevsky Prelude, Op.61 No.1
8. Lutoslawski Zalotny: from Popular Melodies
9. Christopher Norton Venezuelan Holiday: No.10 from The Microjazz Flute Collection 1
List C
1. Charles Nicholson Duetto No.6: from Complete Preceptor for the German Flute
2. Wilhelm Popp Study in F: from Erster Floeten-Unterricht, Op.387
3. James Rae Short Waltz: No.10 from 40 Modern Studies for Solo Flute
4. Alan Bullard Restful Flute: No.3 from Fifty for Flute, Book 1
4. Alan Bullard Bouncy Flute: No.5 from Fifty for Flute, Book 1
5. Paul Harris Study in F
6. E. Koehler Study in G
7. James Rae Little Prelude: No.3 from Style Workout for Solo Flute
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