1. Anon. 13th-century French Estampie royal, arr. Edward Huws Jones
2. Jean-Marie Leclair Musette: third movement from Sonata in G, Op. 1 No. 8, arr. Ferdinand David
3. William McGibbon Adagio: first movement from Sonata No. 5 in C minor
1. Charles-Auguste do Beriot Melodie: from Methode do violon, Op. 102, arr. Nico Dezaire and Gunter van Rompaey
2. Antonin Dvorak Scherzo: third movement from Sonatina in G, Op. 100
3. Neil Mackay Ambleside: from A Tuneful Introduction to the Third Position, piano acc. Richard Allain
1. David Matthews An Alpine Tune
2. Christopher Norton King Boogie: No. 6 from The ChristopherNorton Concert Collection for Violin
3. Trad. klezmer Congratulations to the Bridegroom and Bride, arr. Ilana Cravitz
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