※ 若有需要購買音階者,請選購 鋼琴音階範例(2021年起) 第3級
第3級考曲曲目 (本書收錄為每組的前三首)
A 組
1. L. Kohler Allegro moderato (1st movt from Sonatina in G, Op. 300 No. 93)
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
2. Mozart Allegro in F (from London Sketchbook, K. 15a)
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
3. Victoria Proudler Tarantella Twist (from Piano Grades Are Go!, Grades 2–3)
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
B 組
1. Bart Where is love? (from Oliver!), arr. Iles
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
2. Mel Bonis Douce amis (from Album pour les tout-petits, Op. 103)
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
3. Youmi Kimura Always with Me (from Spirited Away)
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
C 組
1. Bartok Allegretto (No. 3 from For Children, Vol. 2)
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
2. Henson & Pottle The Muppet Show Theme, arr. Blackwell with repeat
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
3. Shruthi Rajasekar The Quiet of the Night
建議樂譜出處:Piano Exam Pieces 2025& 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM )
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